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Tag: sql-update

simplifying postgres queries

Note: Asking to improve the working code. My data column is as follows In the above data, I want to set available to false and price to zero. To do this I Am using the below code. My question is it possible to update both values in a single query? Thanks. Answer Sure:

sql update – access to the current row

I would like update the column [ACIdent] from the table [Values]. With the subquery i try to get an ID from the same table. On the point ??? i try to access to the column [PathName] of the respective row of the update script. But this solution doesn’t work. How can i do this? Many thanks in advance! Answer Restructure

Take maximum time during update left join mysql

I am doing an update left join on ID and receiver. How can I make the query to pick the record with max time taken? Expected output : Answer I have added another column (id_primary) in right_table. To get the maximum use this subquery (select id_primary from right_table order by time_taken desc limit 1) at end


Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers. Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question. Closed 11 months ago. Improve this question How do you update the record in the first 2 letters as in

How to insert value to a column as a result of geometry of another column in the same table

i have the database table posted below. the two columns geometryOfCellRepresentativeToTreatment and geometryOfCellRepresentativeToBuffer are of type geometry. and their value is equal the the geometry of the column fourCornersRepresentativeToTreatmentAsGeoJSON_ and fourCornersRepresentativeToBufferAsGeoJSON respectively. how can i insert the value into the latter columns as geometry of the former columns table: data_to_be_inserted: image Answer Just set the geojson strings to the geometry

Sql Synapse How to update the latest records

Table MAPPING Table MASTER Output after update Table MAPPING I have an issue to update data in Mapping, I’d like to update only latest records. Note: 1 CUST_ID : M ID thus I need to partition by cust_id order by upd_dt DESC,ID ASC to get the latest records. I’d like to update only rows Parse error at line: 33, column:
