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Tag: sql-order-by

how to query the max value of count

I try to get the max count value but error this is my data I need to get the max count of tool_id I use this code to get tool_count and I use to get max tool_count but it error the result I need : Answer You can try using order by desc with limit 1

Orderby on multiple columns using typeorm

In my application, I am using MySQL and typeorm and want to do orderBy using multiple columns. I searched so many places for it but did not get any solution. Example: I have two columns in a table user and respective User Entity ________________________________________ | id | name | createDate | createdTime | —————————————- | 1 | Sai | 2020-12-12

SQL select single row number x only

For processing SQL data in VBA I want to use a loop (For…Next) that reads line by line from a SQL database. As records were deleted the ID column has gaps. The table looks for example like this: Having four lines I would like to run of course a “For each” would do good, too. Answer If you want 4

Oracle decode equivalent function to Postgres

So, I’m in migrating database from oracle to Postgres, and this is my error: and here’s my code : do you have any clue? From what I’ve read, some say to replace the decode function with COALESCE, but I don’t have any idea how the syntax is. Answer You could use a standard case expression:
