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Tag: spring

Cursor based pagination for table without a unique and sequential id column?

I’m investigating using cursor-based pagination. I have the following (postgres) table: and had begun to sketch out the pagination query (not tested): I’ve been reading these posts: which both state that the cursor should be a unique, sequential column to paginate on. However, my table does not have an auto-incrementing sequential primary key. Instead it’s primary key

Spring JPA – Prepared Statement Queries?

I’m building a Spring REST server application and I’m doing some native queries to retrieve data from my database. From the teaching in school, they suggest to make all queries prepared statements, to stop the user entering harmful SQL into the input boxes. I’ve tried to do some research, but have not found a concrete answer. Does Spring use prepared

How to check not null date in spring jpa

I have 2 IF. If No 1, is work for me. Because i wont if data is present and get house keeping == null. for action to update condition,status,and housekeeping. IF no 2, no work for me. I wont if getData is present and get housekeeping is availabe / not null. For action only to update condition Only check ‘null’,

Hibernate Null Attribute Value using Camel-Case

Using Hibernate 5.3, Spring Boot 2.1, MySQL, that runs in Windows 10 OS. What I know I have verified on my phpmyadmin the case of the attributes. And as long the case were the same as the attributes of my Entity class you don’t have to explicitly define the column name in that Entity. And using @Column(name=”tableattribute”) is not required.

I/O error while reading input message; nested exception is Stream closed

This is my controller: This is the error I get: “message”: “I/O error while reading input message; nested exception is Stream closed” Answer Your error is the result of @RequestBody being used twice in your controller method arguments. Following line causes the issue: You cannot use it this way as only one @RequestBody per method is allowed. Using @RequestBody
