Error: Schema-validation: wrong column type encountered in column [curr_step] in table [risk_workflow]; found [varchar2 (Types#VARCHAR)], but expecting [number(19,0) (Types#BIGINT)] Please let me know how can we solve this? Column declaration in entity class “risk_workflow” WorkflowTaskRoleMapping entity: Answer The id of WorkflowTaskRoleMapping is a long and Hibernate maps it on the db with a column of type number(19,0). Hibernate expects the
Tag: spring-boot
how do i save a new student that contains entities, but don’t create these entities because they already exist in the database?
I want to save a student and a student has a TargetAudience object as an attribute. These target audiences are allready hardcoded in my database. (targetaudience = campus + major). Now when i post like this: it doesnt work because everythime it creates a new object for the campus and because i use name as a primary key it throws
Liquibase coming with Spring Boot handles the database well with changelog.xml. How can it generate its sql at the same time?
I’m using the default Liquibase configuration coming with Spring Boot. I have: a changelog.xml file in src/main/resources/db/changelog that works fine, along with url, changeLogFile, driver, username, password properties in, and a Maven pom.xml having this for <dependency> and <dependencyManagement>: Aside from the update of the database structure led by changelog.xml that is working fine at development time, I would
Spring boot and jpa query @P0
I’m trying to run the following query but I keep getting the syntax error @P0, I also tried not to use parameters but “?” and still not working, my guess is that the string is not placed under ” and it ends up just next to bulk, but as soon as I place the single quote I get the error
How to add String variable to SQL query – Java, SpringBoot
I have an SQL query that looks like this: I am trying to pass custom dbName to query and I have tried something like this: I am getting following error: Answer The solution to my problem was to add a variable as +dbName+ to my query. What was bordering me was the ” ” that I didn’t know how to
How to write FILE_FORMAT in Snowflake to Java code?
I am trying to execute COPY INTO statement in Java code like this: And it works fine. Is there any way to add this file_format in Java code, so there is no need to set it up in Snowflake? For example, SQL code of file_format that I have set in Snowflake is Is there any way to write this as
use desc as a field name in Spring boot entity class
The table was not being created for the following model despite following the correct procedure Model Answer So I was creating an entity class for JPA where there was a field name desc. I was using MySQL database. But for some reason, I was getting the following error. The model Later I changed the field name and the whole thing
How to connect a Spring Boot service from Google Cloud Run to SQL cloud instance?
I have created an SQL instance. It is working. Then, I have uploaded the docker image for my Spring Boot app on Container Registry. My goal is to run the app on Google Cloud Run, but in order for it to work, it has to connect to the database. Thus, when creating the service I give it the image and
JPA Subquery fails
Does anyone know why it fails? It does not give syntax problems but it gives me the error “missing expression (ORA-00936)” The problem seems to be in :user IN uc.users Answer I think the last bit is incorrect. This should work: So, the whole query becomes:
Is it possible to fetch and compare an element which resides in a nested Json string format column in database? Via SQL Query
I have ‘a unique-id’. I want to fetch records from table on basis of that unique-id. I have a column named “request body” that contains a nested json string which is of type text. Is there any way i can compare ‘unique-id’ with the ‘unique-id’ inside the json string cloumn i-e request body? Answer Apologies, I am new to stackoverflow.