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Tag: scala

How to do SQL from Akka?

What is the idiomatic Akka way to issue SQL statements from an Akka application? Specifically, I have an Akka Http REST endpoint that wants to do SQL commands. Is there some official SQL support or async or message passing style SQL library? Answer Answering your specific question, “what is the idiomatic akka way to issue sql”, I would agree with

How to send plain SQL queries (and retrieve results) using scala slick 3

I am trying to make a class that has methods that can send and get data to an SQLite db using plain sql queries. This unfortunately does not work. I do not want to use the withSession implicit parts. The following error is thrown: type mismatch; found : slick.profile.SqlStreamingAction[Vector[(Int, Double, String)],(Int, Double, String),slick.dbio.Effect] required: slick.dbio.DBIOAction[(Int, Double, String),slick.dbio.NoStream,Nothing] DBops.scala Answer I
