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Tag: regex

Extract first argue from column with T-SQL

I need to extract the first argument: “PATHTOPACKAGE” from the string below: which is a column stored at SQL Server msdb.sysjobsteps.command Is there a way to do it by using Regex or Spliting it by blank spaces? Answer Based on the one example we have, a couple of CHARINDEXs a little bit of simple string manipulation gets the job done:

presto replace multiple characters

I have a string and would like to remove a set of characters. Is there a better way than chaining multiple replace()? I came up with the following but it requires a replace() call for each character: This is a minimal example and I have more characters to escape so I was looking for a less verbose way of achieving

MySql regexp on column with html

I have a table with HTML content in which I need to select all rows containing a span element with the CSS class “glyphicon glyphicon-film” with some text content, but exclude all rows …

How to count non-zero numbers in a comma separated string in oracle sql

Want to count non-zero numbers from a comma separated string in oracle 12.10. If my column has data as 2000,300,0,0 then count it as 2. This gives me 2000 and 300 as result but what’s next to count it. select regexp_substr(‘2000,300,0,0′,'[^,]+’,1,level) from dual connect BY to_number(regexp_substr(‘2000,300,0,0’, ‘[^,]+’,1,level)) > 0 Thanks for helping me. I know I am missing a basic

tweetImage not showing an image

Here is my line 51, Here is my code. When I execute it I GET THIS When i replace ‘tweetImage’ with ‘profileImage’in line 51.My profileImage successfully gets uploaded in place of blank thumbnail.I want the tweetImage uploaded by the user to be uploaded in place of the blank thumbnail.I can’t seem to figure out much as i am one week
