i want output which this query gives but in python code i am trying to groupby and i am getting name of groups .how to get values like it gives in SQL query Answer SQL: Python:
Tag: python
SQLite3 syntax error on tested sql script
I’m using python 3.6.4 and sqlite3 2.6.0 to query the nearest consecutive dates in my table in a sqlite 3.27.2 file. I’ve tried to get the actual sql string with vscode debugger and test it with DB …
Python 3-x Select a column and a row from a CSV table using SQL-like conditions
Here’s a CSV file kidsList.csv, comma-delimited, the first row is a header. The first column Id is unique so you can use this as a primary key. Id,Name,Age A1,Alice,6 A2,Becca,5 B1,Cindy,7 Now I …
How to fix pandas to_sql append not appending one item out of 2000?
I have a CSV file with 2000 rows and 3 columns of type Int, String, and String respectively. I’m trying to write a program that creates a table and appends my CSV file rowsxcolumns into the table. It …
How to implement a search function using a raw SQL query
I am creating an app guided by CS50’s web series, which requires me to ONLY use raw SQL queries not ORM. I am trying to make a search function where a user can look up the list of books that’s …
Is there a SQL syntax that will create new column by searching in 2 columns based on equal value of 3rd column in same table?
I have 1 table, with fields named: class_code, name1, class_code1, name2, class_code2. I would like to search the value of class_code, and display it as class_code and name only, where class_code = …
Django annotate add interval to date
I am using postgres database with Django 2.2. I need to combine date and time field in model and add an interval of one day in it. I have done first part like this. Model.objects.annotate( end_dt=…
How to fix, where condition with update not working
I am trying to update my table using where condition. I am not sure where I am going wrong. I am using peewee for SQL queries in python. I am trying to update two different tables having the same …
Creating dynamically-typed tables using psycopg2’s built-in formatting
I’m working on a project in Python that interacts with a PostgreSQL data warehouse, and I’m using the psycopg2 API. I am looking to create dynamically-typed tables. For example: I would like to be able to execute the following code: and end up with a table named “animals” that contains a column “name” of type VARCHAR. However, when I attempt
Postgres: Retrieve records Sequentially at 5 seconds interval
I have a postgres database table with nearly 700k records. I would want to have a python script that fetches the records one-by-one at 5seconds interval until the last record. How do I go about it?