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Tag: python

Create a database in python where user inputs the data?

I would like the program to ask the user for information (i.e. age and name) and for this information to be put into the database. I have tried the following: The error that keeps appearing is: I have Python 3.7 and I work in spyder. Answer Try this, student_name is a string and should be enclosed in single quotes.

SQL Database using JDBC + parameterize SQL Query + Databricks

In Databricks am reading SQL table as How can I parameterize SourceSystem and RuleCode in Where clause Was referring to: Answer if you import the spark implicits, you can create references to columns with the dollar $ interpolator. Also, you can use the API with columns to make the logic, it will be something like this. As you can

Pandas dataframe combine unique row values

I have a dataframe like the following with over 90000 rows. As you can see, some origin and destination values repeat for example there are multiple rows where origin=101011001, destination=101011002. My goal is to group the repeating origin and destination values and sum the the people column, so the dataframe looks like this: I’ve tried jsondf.groupby([‘origin’, ‘destination’]).sum() which gives me

SQL query is causing problem while inserting into table

I tried to insert dataframe using pymysql library. It’s giving this error: pymysql.err.ProgrammingError: (1064, “You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ”bestwebsites’ (‘Rank’,’Score’,’Category’,’Audience’,’URL’,’Links’,’Desc’) VALUE’ at line 1″) I tried using sqlalchemy It’s working Answer Column names (and table names) should not be

How to parse quotes correctly?

I’m using ANTLR with Presto grammar in order to parse SQL queries. This is the definition of the string I’m using: However, when I have a query like this: it mess things up as it parses : ”’,’ as one string. When I used the following rule instead: I didn’t parse correctly queries like: which of course is a legal

Load table from Oracle to MYSQL using python

Tried below code to load rows from Source(Oracle) to Target(MYSQL) Error Edited Updated Code_:- Error: Answer In Python, while all strive to adhere to PEP 249, no two DB-APIs are exactly the same especially in parameter implementation. Specifically, while the module, cxOracle, supports arbitrary placeholders like numbered sequence :1, :2, :3, etc. the module MySQLdb only supports %s or%(name)s parameter

Updating Multiple Columns in sqlite3

I am wanting to update multiple columns in my ‘Class’ Table in sqlite. I do not know how to do this so I approached the same syntax as an ‘INSERT’ query however, I seem to be having the following syntax error: sqlite3.OperationalError: near “VALUES”: syntax error The line I am currently having issues is I am just wondering how to

Selective summation of columns in a pandas dataframe

The COVID-19 tracking project (api described here) provides data on many aspects of the pandemic. Each row of the JSON is one day’s data for one state. As many people know, the pandemic is hitting different states differently — New York and its neighbors hardest first, with other states being hit later. Here is a subset of the data: To
