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Tag: python

The function processes the sql request

The function processes the sql request. It receives parameters and one of them can be either “null” or a value (uuid), I need to add this value to where. But there is a problem, because with null “where param is null”, but with the value “where param = value” Example Answer In sql, null = null and null <> null

Azure SQL Database Manipulation

Is it possible to create a table in an Azure sql database using Python? I am pulling a list of things from an API and then want to push them to a table in my Azure sql db but can not find a tutorial or guide on how to do so. Googling for it led me to tutorials on how

Convert SAS proc sql to Python(pandas)

I rewrite some code from SAS to Python using Pandas library. I’ve got such code, and I have no idea what should I do with it? Can you help me, beacase its too complicated for me to do it correct. I’ve changed the name of columns (for encrypt sensitive data) This is SAS code: This is my try in Pandas:
