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Tag: pivot-table

Summarize unique column in row

I’m new to Firebird and need your help. I have a stored procedure with following reduced output: Player Team Number Reus Ahlen 18 Lewandowski Posen 19 Reus MG 11 Reus BVB 11 Lewandowski BVB 9 Haaland BVB 9 I want to summarize the Players and transform Team&Number to a new column. The output should be: Player Station 1 Station 2

Presto – pivot table

Hi I have a table like this: I want to convert it into like this: Answer For a fixed list of properties, you can do conditional aggregation: This puts the session id in the first column and 0/1 values in each column, depending on whether the given session owns the given property. To generate the exact output you showed (which

Creating a Pivot Table in SQL

I could use some help with creating a PIVOT table. The table that I’m looking to pivot from is: Where I want to change it into the Format of Which has the tracking number as the Row Identifier, the added columns are the Unique Values in the ‘Surcharge Reason’ column, and the values of the data are the Surcharge Amount
