I have a question and don’t know how to approach the problem exactly. I have two tables as following: “Reference” in the “Client” table is defined as foreign key. Is it possible to fill the column “count” in the table “Tour” with an automated formula where it counts how many times the t_id appears in the “Client” table? Something like:
Tag: phpmyadmin
Sql query to return information about customers which has spent the most amount
I have a database about the shop, and I need to return full information of the first 5 customers, which has spent the most amount, and in returned results also display that total amount. (counting all his/her payments together from the payments table). Order descending by the total amount. Can someone help with the query for this? Customers Table Payments
PHP update record button not passing information to another page
im trying to make a update record button on php that when clicked, it’ll take you to another page showing only the information of the patient which update button was pressed. Im using the following to show the patient information along with an update button for each patient patients.php When I click the update button I want it to take
UPDATE and SET column row values by calculating values from antoher table
I have two tables: products – which has UnitsSold(total/cumulative amount of sold products/item), and sales – which has SoldQuantity (how many units sold per transaction) The same unit could be sold many times, so we need to calculate how many times it sold from sales table which have SoldQuantity and show the result in UnitsSold, which will show how many
Unable to create this MYSQL Trigger on PHPMYADMIN
I am trying to update a column ( called DateModified ) before update happens on the table row. so here is my trigger: CREATE TRIGGER `date_mod_category` BEFORE UPDATE ON `categories` FOR EACH ROW …
MySQL:Trying to run CUBE query -> Error in your sql syntax | LIMIT 0,25
I have query in my structure trying run in PHPMYADMIN. I am trying to run CUBE query for OLAP operation, this is my query : I have also tried this query : but it showing this error : I tried to open the page to check syntax but it shows page not found. Answer I don’t think MySQL supports CUBE
Using MySQL to calculate difference of 2 columns to equal a 3rd column
Ok so I’m using SQL in phpmyadmin trying to calculate the difference from 2 columns and add that value to a 3rd column. I’ve imported my data by CSV into the database. I’m trying to “autosum” like excel and Access in SQL database. My columns are “Tax Collected” – “Tax Paid” = “Tax Gain” Imported CSV Answer That we could
SQL Multiple data input at the same time
there are 2 different queries below. How can I run them at the same time? I mean, these 2 data’s will be into on the same row. For example: https://prnt.sc/rtkytf Answer Doesn’t this do what you want? Otherwise, if you really want to insert four rows: The default value is often NULL (because no DEFAULT is specified). If you know
How to view the Create Table SQL command after a table has been created in mySQL phpMyAdmin
When you create a mySQL table using the GUI in phpAdmin there is an option to preview the SQL create table command. Once you have created a table, made adjustments and finalised the structure, is it possible to review the SQL create command for the current version of the table? Answer SHOW CREATE TABLE Shows the CREATE TABLE statement that
MySQL trigger in phpMyAdmin [closed]
dont understand, why this not work :C DELIMITER $$ CREATE TRIGGER ‘Reset Pass’ BEFORE UPDATE ON authme FOR EACH ROW BEGIN IF OLD.`password` NEW.`password` THEN UPDATE authme SET `idVK`…