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Tag: oracle

Oracle SQL null row order

I have the below table: Name (null) Name1 Name2 Name3 (null) Name4 I would like to generate this output: Name Output (null) Anon1 Name1 Name1 Name2 Name2 Name3 Name3 (null) Anon2 Name4 Name4 With the below query, I’m able to generate the below table Name Output Name1 Name1 Name2 Name2 Name3 Name3 Name4 Name4 (null) Anon1 (null) Anon2 However, the

BOM Explosion with Blanks

I have a simple BOM table that contains a parent and a child column. Every row contains values. There are no blanks. To bring that table into a BI-Tool I need to add blank values for the parents, like …

Oracle several counts over partition

I have the below query which is outputting the below results: SELECT a, b, COUNT(1) count, round(RATIO_TO_REPORT(COUNT(1)) OVER() * 100, 2) perc FROM t1 WHERE condition1 GROUP …
