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Tag: ms-access

Recordset.Edit or Update sql vba statement fastest way to update?

I recently came across vba update statements and I have been using Recordset.Edit and Recordset.Update to not only edit my existing data but to update it. I want to know the difference between the two: recordset.update and Update sql Vba statement. I think they all do the same but I can’t figure which one is more efficient and why. Example

Data type mismatch when using a Select Query to feed a combo box

I am getting a ‘data type mismatch in criteria expression (error 3464) with the below routine when trying to activate drop down box ‘cboColleagues’. In short, there are two combo boxes of which the second one (‘cboColleagues’) is not visible until the user activates the first (‘cboEditPersonnel’). The following routine is created to feed the second combo box with the

Access Query – [col]/[col].[col]?

Just inherited an Access database and trying to figure some things out. For the life of me, I have no idea what this query means. Its like the [col1]/[col2] is the table name and [col3] is the column. But instead of a table, it is math function (dividing two columns) followed by the column name. SELECT table.column…. I thought this

Import Data into Excel from Access Table

I am trying to import data into Excel from an Access table. I am getting a syntax error This error comes up when I run the line: Select [Time], [Tank], FROM “UnitOneRouting”, WHERE [Date] = ” & RpDate & ORDER BY Tank, Time”, cn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable In the Access Table there are four columns (in order) Date, Time, Tank,

Summing up the rows

I want to add up the profit of all the rows where 1.a=2.a && 1.b=2.b && 1.c=2.c ( The case in first and second row , also in third and fourth ). I wrote the following query but this isn’t working . db.Execute “UPDATE a,b,c,SUM(profit) FROM Sum ORDER BY a” Query execution gives an error. Here is a sample data,

How to SUM() for past 3 months for every field in a column

I have a table in MS Access that looks something like this And I want to count for every item in every month, what’s the sum of the past 3/6/12 months and it should look something like this Is there anyway this can be done in SQL queries? Answer Try a self-join on Item and t2.Date <= t1.Date and t2.Date
