I am trying to use a custom VBA function to populate the list for the WHERE IN function of an access SQL query however I can’t seem to get it working. A simplified version of the query is shown below The code for the getList() function is I have tried playing around with the quotes like missing the leading and
Tag: ms-access
How to check if field value is same as combobox value?
So I am making a SQL query in which value of combobox (cboVU) shoud be same as field in table called Vrsta uredaja in table O klima uredaju. I am making this query in Access 2016. I am getting this: Tables and relations: Answer To continue on @Nathan_Sav’s comment:
Joining multiple tables in Access via vba/sql
I have a database of tables, each contains two columns, the first being a code, second being an amount. The tables are pulled from data created on a daily basis, where a code will have data for a …
Access – Change fields in table automatically, if a field changes
Lets say I got a table with an id, pre- and lastname. I made them work as comboboxes in the table. Now if I change 1 field (lets say the id) with the combobox I want that all the other stuff is …
I’m trying to write a SQL statement in VBA to concatenate first and last name
I’m getting errors. SELECT [FirstName] & ” ” & [LastName] AS FullName, TblMembers.Position FROM TblMembers WHERE (((TblMembers.Position)=”Lt #1″)); This is the original…. SQL = “SELECT […
Export one field from access to specific cell in excel
I want to place a name from a table/query to a specific cell from access. I have a check sheet with lots of data in other cells that at the top has the persons name at the top. I would like a button …
Passing value from the textbox to “TOP n” clause in SQL query
I believe I have quite simple question, that would help me finish my project. I don’t usually work with Access, but I was asked to help someone so here I am. My problem: I have a Form1 called “Start”…
Access VBA Find Records using Search Critera in Recordset
I have an Access database connected to excel. I need to find records using Search criteria in recordset from Excel Table name in MS Access is MyTable with more than 10 columns with data User enters string data in Excel cell, let us assume Worksheets(“Sheet1”).Cells(1, 1) My need is, macro has to loop through any matching string in column7 and
Access 2002 SQL for joining three tables
I have been trying to get this to work for a while now. I have 3 tables. First table has the Sales for customers which include the CustomerID, DateOfSales (Which always has the first of the month). …
Copy DAO recordset from Excel into Access table
I have searched endlessly for a solution to this but can’t figure it out at all. Any help would be massively appreciated. I currently have some Access VBA code which sets up a DAO recordset connection with a range in an excel worksheet. (I have avoided linking the spreadsheet as a linked table as I am unsure if you can