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Tag: ms-access

Find Recent Frequent Flyers in SQL Database

I need to find a list of frequent flyers in a database. There are 2 important tables: Demographics and Visits. This is what I have so far: It runs and returns people who visited last year 5 or more times. However, what I ACTUALLY want is people who visited 5 or more times, and have at least 1 visit last

Microsoft Access 2016 SQL Unnest Array

I am trying to take a table and in Microsoft 2016 Access and use SQL to unnest a single column into multiple rows instead. It is comma separated. I tried adding Unnest and keep getting errors, maybe I am missing something. This BOGO_Sale.promo_parent_skus is the only column I am trying to unnest into rows. An example of the table is:

Multiple Join not working on two string attributes

I have the following issue: I have several tables in my Database, in order to check for a specific criteria I have to join several tables, where I use the following statement: This statement fails. But when I remove one the following two join-conditions in the last Left JOIN, it works as intended: F.risk = table10.risk and/or C.v_type = table10.v_type

search date from date time field query not working

I have below query it print following line by debug. in table the b_date is dateTime field. ( linked table from SQL server in Msaccess) in this table there is data exist with 1/30/2020 2:00:00 PM where fromtime is also 6. why query didn’t return any data? can msaccess cannot search date in datetime field? PS: fromtime is intiger not
