Objective : Add an additional WHERE clause to any given Clickhouse statement. I’m using the following Antlr grammars to generate Java classes for a lexer & parser. Lexer grammar https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/blob/master/utils/antlr/ClickHouseLexer.g4 Parser grammar https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/blob/master/utils/antlr/ClickHouseParser.g4 Problem : I cannot figure out/understand how to interact or create the appropriate POJOs for use with the generated classes that Antlr produces. Example of statement Goal
Tag: java
How to connect a Spring Boot service from Google Cloud Run to SQL cloud instance?
I have created an SQL instance. It is working. Then, I have uploaded the docker image for my Spring Boot app on Container Registry. My goal is to run the app on Google Cloud Run, but in order for it to work, it has to connect to the database. Thus, when creating the service I give it the image and
Spark SQL: keep a non-key row after join
I have two dataset as following: and: I want to join two datasets so that I could get ingredient information for each smoothie whose price is lower than 15$, but keep those even if the price is higher, and fill in with a string To be communicated for the ingredient field. I tried smoothieDs.join(ingredientDs).filter(col(price).lt(15)) and it gives: But my expected
What is the fastest way to look up continuous data on Anylogic (Java, SQL)
I have a database table of 900,000 rows. This table contains power, braking power, speed log from train trips as a function of distance. Origin Destination Distance travelled from departing point Power reading in MW Braking power reading in MW Speed reading in KPH There are 13 different destinations and outbound and inbound trips have different sets of data so
I want to mapping MultipartFile with userId
I’m trying to upload excel file then save it to Product DB, I have User, Product Tables but product mapped by user Table. so I got error when I try to upload. Since I need to check who upload the file. mapping is nessesary. I don’t know where should I put the code to map the userId. Editted post ##
SQL Query OneToMany Filtering with child entity but returning parent
Hey I need some help with an SQL Query I just can’t figure out. I got these two Tables with an OneToMany/ManyToOne relation: Now I got this select query to get me all Books that have been written before the current date: (I’m doing this in Java JPA via the Query Annotation) In this case I am returning all the
Getting the data from SQL and inserting it inside the Java Textfield
I’ve been trying to get the data from the SQL and insert it inside the JTextfield. This code is in the button action, but when I clicked the button, there is nothing happening. Answer I redo my JFrame and rewrite this code. There is no problem with this code. I think it just override because I copied the previous JFrame.
SQL select column with conditions JAVA
I tried to get specific value where the column of names in my database contains “jansen”,but when i run my code it shows error like this here is my code [and here is my database in Sqlyog] Answer You should put quotes around string values in your SQL statement. Another issue you may run into later, is that your resources
Flyway does not insert values to database
I added flyway library to my spring project. I configurated it and wrote some instuctions, project compiles but flyway does not insert values provided into data base. Config of application.yml: Impl: [ressource folder] SQL instructions that must be insert: But after running application, they dont figure in database. The table is being created but fields are null. Answer I fixed
How to write Criteria Query that checks for multiple values in same column along with other WHERE conditions?
Please convert the following SQL Query to a Criteria Query——— I have the following table PEOPLE- ID Name Code 1 Tom A 2 Harry B 3 Tom C 4 John A 5 Sally C 6 Tom B 7 Tom D The query must return the list of records that satisfies the conditions- Name=’Tom’ AND Code=’A’ or ‘B’ or ‘C’ —-In