Please convert the following SQL Query to a Criteria Query——— I have the following table PEOPLE- ID Name Code 1 Tom A 2 Harry B 3 Tom C 4 John A 5 Sally C 6 Tom B 7 Tom D The query must return the list of records that satisfies the conditions- Name=’Tom’ AND Code=’A’ or ‘B’ or ‘C’ —-In
Tag: hibernate
How to use SUM(CASE WHEN….) in JPQL Hibernate?
I have the following query: However, this throws a syntax error on the query when I put a case statement inside an aggregate. I can get SUM to work fine alone, and case statements to work fine alone. I’m wondering whether JPQL can support cases in aggregates or if I’m forced to use a native query. Answer Ugh….. false alarm.
Delete cascade Category child (Java Hibernate JPA)
I have this Entity to represent a Category system with a selfrelationship to get child categories: The problem is when I want to delete a category that has child categories. I want to delete all child categories but Java drops me this exception : Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (vanger.producto, CONSTRAINT FKju4fpj8umbyi05750yjm70cx0 FOREIGN
Blaze-Persistence GROUP BY in LEFT JOIN SUBQUERY with COALESCE in root query
I need statistics about alert tagged by codes. Alerts are visible for users with group based restrictions. In case when some tag code is only in alerts which are invisible for user then 0 should be displayed in statisitics. Tables structure: I’m using Blaze-Persistence and try to make GROUP BY in LEFT JOIN SUBQUERY with COALESCE in root query. Reason
Hibernate Table or view does not exist Oracle
I Have a problem executing an hibernate query on Oracle: my persistence.xml: my entity class com.entity.User: my java class: but when i execute my code, i obtain: Can you help me to find the error? NOTE: if a use a PreparedStatement with the same connections and query i don’t have any issue, so it is not a problem of permissions
SQL Grammar Exception in Spring Boot H2
I’v got a problem in my Spring Boot with H2 project. I got a get method for listing elements from the SQL table and the SQL command working. In the H2 database I can execute and see the results but I …
org.hsqldb.HsqlException: discrepancy in the number of rows counted
I’m trying to play around with an insecure application (Insecure Bank) and I’m trying to port it to secure it a bit more as a personal project. I have a problem inserting the contents of the database …
Problems with JPA Hibernate Query with ‘Interval’
I need the possibility to retrieve the orders for the past 6 months for my backend application. After some research , I’ve found out that JPA does not support the INTERVAL definition. Is there a workaround for archiving this particularly function ? Answer In that case use the JPA provided functionality , where native sql code is not required. and
How to create LinkedList of JPA entities
I have a scenario where I need to create an entity which has references to list of predecessors and list of successors. when a request is received, I need to create entity like below: Request: My new entity “task2” should now be created as below in DB. While saving task2 with previous as task1 and next as task3, I also
Unable to locate appropriate constructor on class [ClassName]
I want to send a sql query by using Spring JPA like : However, when I remove some fields like “ms.width”, I get the error: I understand that return Object[] cannot be parsed to DTO object. If I write constructor without the parameter – “Width”, it will work properly. However, I want to provide that a query can be sendable