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Tag: group-by


I am currently trying to SELECT the DISTINCT FirstNames in a GROUP, using Microsoft Access 2010. The simplified relevant columns of my table looks like this: My actual table contains two columns to which I want to apply this process (separately), but I should be able to simply repeat the process for the other column. The column group number is

group some row in resilt table

I need get a group some row select from result table. I’ve written select but have error message ORA-00913. How to write a correct select ?I have a result table: and insert: and I need to get result table: I’m trying: but ora-00913 too many values How to write correct “select” ? Sorry, There is some new conditions. The table

SQL Group By Sum and Nulls

I have a query that fetch the sum of quantity of a certain date with a GROUP BY, but the query is giving me NULL results and not aggregating some values. Here is the query: Select VPC.Armazem …

Oracle SQL Groupby and SUM

I have the following query that groups every tender id and description and shows its total Sum: 3020 American Express 20 1000 Cash – primary currency 9903.25 3120 House Card …

Using field in CASE without group by

I have the following code and I am having trouble figuring out how to NOT include these into the group by. Some of the arguments are purely for the case and that is all. I can’t include them in the group by. I cam’t really group by anything else as I need to get the counts by TransactionTyp only but
