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Tag: group-by

UNION ALL not combining rows

I have this table called “valores_indices” where it imports stocks values every 1 hour, I need to get the values from each monitored stock at 8am and 6pm, those being respectively my “vlrAberto” and “vlrFechado” selects I don’t get why these are not merging, I’ve done it before, any help would be appreciated since I’m running out of ideas, I’ve

Merging query from same table into different columns

I’m having an issue querying a table for some information. Basically the way data was stored in the table, for every customer, its information was stored vertically and so on for others. In my case I want to display in separate columns for example only the ‘Company’ and ‘StreetAddress’ values from all their information for each CustomerId. I tried joins,
