I have a query in MS Access that is linked to a searchable report which is linked to a form. Part of the report ask users to include two reasons that will be used as criteria for a query. Currently, the report (screenshot) below does not allow for users to simply enter in 1 reason. Users must enter in 2
Tag: forms
React Form won’t save date
I’ve created a basic form in React to save a name, category, and date if available to an SQL table. My form is acting fine – it’s submitting correctly and saving the new entries. The problem is, while it saves the name and the category fine, if you choose a date (using the HTML date picker) the date isn’t getting
Javascript won’t work properly with my form
So I am currently doing a project for our class, in which I have to display something that I previously stored in a database on a separate page. I chose to display every dataset, as it is the easiest to do. With PHP I implemented a foreach loop which is supposed to show each dataset with a button “EDIT” underneath
PHP update record button not passing information to another page
im trying to make a update record button on php that when clicked, it’ll take you to another page showing only the information of the patient which update button was pressed. Im using the following to show the patient information along with an update button for each patient patients.php When I click the update button I want it to take
How can I update my database with a loop by checking whether a column name corresponds with a button name?
So I’m making a seat reservation system for a school project and I’m stuck. I’ll explain exactly what I’m trying to do. I created this form: Seat Reservation Layout As you can see, I created a seat layout. All the seats are buttons. I also created a local SQL database with SeatID (which matches the names of the buttons exactly)
How to avoid asking the user to refill all form fields when one field has an error
New to php, would appreciate your help with this: I made a signup form script to validate the user’s input via multiple error handlers. (check valid email, pwd and pwd re-entry match etc). In case the user filled all fields but one had an error (failed to pass the error handler), i wanted to send back the other fields to
I need to send id using select in html
I want to show name of the record in select, but I need to send only id of that record. My code: Answer You can send selected value in option
VBA SQL update/insert to local table using values from form
I am trying to update a row in a local table stored in access (or insert a new row if that ID doesn’t already exist) using values populated in a form by the user. I am writing it in VBA using SQL. …
Access DoCmd.OpenReport Where condition issue
I’m trying to print a report, like a invoice. But I have an issue with the Cmd.OpenReport Function. I have a query for that invoice with a parameter. I join this query with a report. When I open the report, I have to type the ID of the invoice. That is OK. But I have to print this report with
Passing Date from an HTML form to a servlet to an SQL database
I have a problem getting an inputed date (yyyyMMdd) from an HTML form to a sql database via a servlet. The date from the form passes to the servlet as a string but then somehow I need to convert it to date for storing in the database. I have tried a number of methods, date formatter etc.. A possible way