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Tag: db2

Inserting a value in particular cell of DB2 blu table

I want to insert a value in a column “column_1” of table “table_1” with a condition where column “column_2” has a particular value and column “column_3” value is not like some value. “column_2” and “column_3” are both in the same table “table_1”. I tried the following query but I am not getting require result. INSERT INTO Table_1 (Column_1) VALUES (‘Distribution’)

What is the SQL dialect used in IBM Db2 on Cloud

Does anyone know what is the SQL dialect used in IBM Db2 on Cloud? I tried googling and also found this stackoverflow link but couldn’t see any references in the link to what SQL dialect is being used in IBM Db2 on Cloud. Many thanks in advance. Answer I have used IBM DB2 on Cloud in the past. What I

DB2 SQLPL – Unable to exit Infinite loop

I have a stored procedure created to calculate the standard deviation by hand by going through each row in Employees Table in DB2 Sample Database – However, the procedure is stuck in an infinite loop. I am not sure as to why it is stuck as i expected the SQLSTATE to not be ‘00000’ after reading last row on table

Why is my query failing with SQLCODE = -420?

Can I get some help with this? I’ll copy the code as well as the error. I looked up the error code (DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-420, SQLSTATE=22018, SQLERRMC=BOOLEAN) but I’m not understanding what doesn’t meet the requirements of the function? I’m just trying to pull these tables, rename ACH_ORIGINATION.DESCRIPTION when it meets certain requirements, and then filter out the ones

Unexpected token “” was found following “”

Im a newbie to DB2. Im trying to convert this sp from Microsoft SQL server to DB2 Here is the sp from Microsoft SQL: and this is the sp after i converted to DB2 Then i got this error: An unexpected token “” was found following “”. Expected tokens may include: “”.. SQLCODE=-104, SQLSTATE=42601, DRIVER=4.19.56 Does anyone know how to
