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Tag: datetime

Finding daily registered users

I have a table which includes the information of player_id, first_timestamp, last_timestamp, and date, etc. So I have initially 10 payers on 2020-07-08, and then 18 players on 2020-07-09, some of the players from previous day might appear on 2020-07-09 again. And I’m trying to find the new players registered on 2020-07-09 that did not appear on 2020-07-08, but I

SQL: Convert bigint type to formatted date

I believe this is a simple question, but I’ve been searched around and got no satisfactory answer. Basically I have a Bigint object in MYSQL, I want to convert it to date format like 20201004, for example: I’ve tried But neither allow formatting, I hope to get the easiest and fastest conversion. Answer Assuming that your number is an epoch
