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Tag: database-design

What is the best schema for a many-to-many relationship in MySQL?

I need to design a database schema. My data is as follows: Product Id (Primary Key), Product Name (String), Product Type (String), Item Count (INT), Tags (Array of Strings) My requirements: I need to frequently query Products based on Tags. It is a many-to-many relationship – Each Product Id could have many Tags and each tag could have many Product

Advice on database design – SQL recipe editor

I want to build an SQL-based recipe editor for a brewery. I have n recipes: Every recipe is part of a category. Every category has a list of steps. Steps can be reused in the same category several times and in different orders. Every step has n set-points. Setpoints change based on the recipe. The same steps used more than

Is table order imporant in mysql when creating relation between them?

I have quite simple question. I am creating database administration tool, where user will be able to create relations between tables, but I am not sure if table order is important when creating relations. For example: I have two tables ‘user'(user_id(INT, PRIMARY KEY), name(VARCHAR), email(VARCHAR)) and ‘post'(post_id(INT, PRIMARY KEY), content(TEXT), author(INT)). When user has selected one column from both tables

PostgreSQL / express rookie – create new table or just a new column in existing table? [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed 2 years ago. Improve this question This will probably get closed for being opinion based but hopefully I can get a comment or two. I’m building a social media app (Express/Postgres/React)
