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Tag: count

Aggregated row count differences between tables

I have two MySQL tables A and B both with this schema ID entity_id asset asset_type 0 12345 x 1 .. ……… ….. ………. I would like to get an aggregated top 10/50/whatever entity_ids with the largest row count difference between the two tables. I think I could do this manually by just getting the highest row count by entity_id

T SQL Count and Group by calculable column

This code gives the following table cntqueue cntdate cntINKTONERBLACK signalcolumn Queue01 2001-04-04 3 0 Queue01 2001-04-05 1 0 Queue01 2001-04-06 100 1 Is there a way to count ‘1’ in signal column and group 1st column to have? cntqueue NumberOfJumps Queue01 1 Answer You can use a subquery:

Best way to merge two SQL queries into one query

I have two small SQL queries that I would like to merge to be a single query that I will eventually use in a stored procedure. I have tried a CASE and IF/ELSE but could not get it to work. Below is the code. What I want to achieve is have the first column ‘Count of Open Order Lines’ based

Count from 4 tables with join and null values

Tables: What I am expecting to query is this: However this is what I get: With this query: I wonder, in what way the query above could be modified to return the expected results? What would be a good approach to achieve this? Answer You are joining along two dimensions, so you are getting a Cartesian products. That is simply
