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Tag: count

query mysql to find total value

please help me. imagine the table as bellow and I want to query and show result like this I dont know how to write query to show result like that. I used (date_join) as dates, count(id) and group by date(date_join) and the result not show like that. Answer In MySQL 8.0, you can solve this with aggregation and a window

Improve query performance and maintainability

I have a query like this: The output of the query will be something like this, basically a CODE and the respective COUNT, for example: After this first query, I have a foreach that will iterate the result of the query above. Inside the foreach, for each result of the query above, I want to get some information that is

Linq tolist() count returns different value from translated sql

I have a situation where the translated sql direct form Visual Studio is returning a different number of records from the Linq. I am expecting 4 items but in the count() of the resulting list I only have 1. This is the case despite creating more records – it always returns 1. Strange thing is I have the same linq
