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Tag: c#

Override query in sql string possible? C#

Currently I’m working with my local MSSQL database and when I make a connection all works good. However that is not the question I’m having right now; I want to make my code cleaner and I don’t want to have duplicated code or almost duplicated code. For now I’m working with one large class that holds all the methods to

Join multiple columns from the same table using Linq

I would like to convert following sql query into Linq to SQL going through this I have so far tried following which didn’t work out Edit: following query is being generated against Svyatoslav Danyliv answer which is returning 7 rows instead of 6 Answer Join which contains not just AND expressions is possible via from x in entities.Where(x => ..).

Is it possible to sum up time field in SQL Server?

I have 3 time(0) column in 1 row. I want to calculate arrival-Time column automatically and this is result of the sum of Departure-Time + Duration is it possible with trigger or computed area method? thanks in advance Answer SQL Server does not support direct addition on time values; however, you can use datediff against 0 to find how many

Polly retry policy with sql holding transaction open

I am using Polly to implement a retry policy for transient SQL errors. The issue is I need to wrap my db calls up in a transaction (because if any one fails, I want to rollback). This was easy before I implemented retry from Polly because I would just catch the exception and rollback. However, I am now using the

‘Procedure Has Too Many Arguments’ Error Although I Have Only Two

I checked the other posts related to this problem but could not find any answers. I have a post action method for my hotel api and in the Hotel Repository I have this CreateHotel method below. I just enter two arguments and there’s two arguments in the stored procedure too but I get this error: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Procedure or function
