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Tag: amazon-rds

MySQL trigger not functioning correctly

I currently working my AWS RDS MySQL through R notebook. I have a table like this: With a trigger like this I could create table and trigger without problems; however, when I insert something like this The insertion was successful but I would get an instance of fruit with ‘C’, instead of ‘A’ Wonder if anyone has some insights, thank!

Unable to grant all privileges to new user on Postgres

I’m creating a new user in a Postgres database (AWS RDS) and trying to grant all privileges on all tables in public schema of an existing database to that user. It is failing with below error. I even tried after logging in as the rds_superuser (postgres) and got the same error. psql (13.3, server 10.15) ERROR: permission denied for relation

SQL Server – Add a linked server to AWS RDS instance

From this AWS link it explains how to add a linked server: Specifically these commands The main problem is it seems to be a mix of ‘, `, and ” I get syntax errors, and I assume that’s why. Plus, I don’t know why it has the N before a bunch of them. It looks to me like they

Enabling CDC in SQL Server 2005 won’t work?

I am trying to use AWS replicate following this tutorial – . Using this code on a 2005 Microsoft SQL table Results in Could not find stored procedure ‘msdb.dbo.rds_cdc_enable_db’. This is the driver currently MS SQL Server / SQL Server (Old driver, jTDS) Any idea on how to overcome this issue? Answer CDC is not available in SQLServer 2005.
