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SQL CASE WHEN Logic does not work for comparison to NOW() date

I am using Apache Phoenix Query Server. I need to manipulate the payment_status column so that it follows the logic below and be corrected. However, I noticed that even when paid_date is equal to now_date, the converted status (new_payment_status) becomes “Overdue” instead of “Due”. Any ideas why was that happening? Result and Metadata: Edit: Embeded a screenshot instead, because markdown

How to minimize my big query for showing counts using SQL

I am taking counts from CTE but common is Status(working,pening) and Divisions but my query is becoming big because left join is same but just status and division are different. I have wrote 10 left join count but by passing status and divisions. Below is my whole sql query Is there anything which we can minimize query by using group

What is the meaning of : ORA-00904: “QUANTITY”: invalid identifier

Why does the below query returns : ORA-00904: “QUANTITY”: invalid identifier 00904. 00000 – “%s: invalid identifier” Answer It means that there’s no such column. You can’t use column alias in a GROUP BY clause – must be “real” column name or the whole expression. Also, generally speaking, you should avoid double quotes when working with Oracle. Guessing table contents

SQL get row count from every table tenantwise

I am working on a multitenant application. Most of the tables contain a column tenant_id. I want the number of rows in all tables for a particular tenant_id. Example, Tables:- Sample result to get number of rows in every table having tenantid = 64 TableName Count Employee 2 Student 3 Teacher 1 How do I loop through all the tables

SAS EG append new data and overwrite already existing rows

My goal is to update this table called DAGLIGEKORREKTIONER_lib_xlsx: Here i a sample of my data. Don’t mind the cmd prompt it is only to cover sensitive data. I then have a table with a similar structure called DAGLIGEKORREKTIONER: But how do I append the table DAGLIGEKORREKTIONER_lib_xlsx with DAGLIGEKORREKTIONER. And if DAGLIGEKORREKTIONER_lib_xlsx contains rows with the same “approval_text” as DAGLIGEKORREKTIONER
