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Average of Sum minus Minimum

I have an SQL statement that grabs the grades of different activity types (Homework, Quiz, etc), and if there’s a drop lowest for that type, it drops, else, it remains. The errors are below as well as the SQL Code. Here are the errors I’m getting: Answer Look into analytical functions. (SO question, Oracle documentation). Something like this: and: Set

SQL: Advantages of an ENUM vs. a one-to-many relationship?

I very rarely see ENUM datatypes used in the wild; a developer almost always just uses a secondary table that looks like this: But the same thing can also be shown using a user-defined type / ENUM: (Example shown using PostgreSQL, but other RDBMS’s have similar syntax) The biggest disadvantage I see to using an ENUM is that it’s more

Get random object from SQL database via Hibernate

I have following MySql dependent code ( ORDER BY RAND() ) . I would like to know if there is hibernate HQL alternative for it (admin is boolean tag indicating that the user as an admin). This is …
