I have the following code which is used to retrieve data from multiple tables (using joins) and then mapping every row into a DTOList but I also need to apply filters based on user preferences: per table1.name or table2.name, table3, etc.
So I just want to know what would be the best way to do it in terms of performance and best practices;
- retrieving all rows and then apply the filters with lambdas (easier)
- change the query to a dynamic query with Criteria or something else?
- Any other solution=?
public class ArchiveRepository {
EntityManager em;
String queryStr = "select wsr.id as sampleid, s.id as slideid, tb.name as batchname, k.lot_number as kitlot, " +
" 'STRING' as slidetype, tb.worklist_name as worklist, wsr.final_call as results, " +
" wa.final_pattern_ids as patterns, 'edited/yesno' as edited, wsr.last_modified_by as user, wsr.last_modified_date as time " +
" from slide s " +
" left join table2 tb on s.test_batch_id = tb.id " +
" left join table3 k on tb.kit_lot_id = k.id " +
" left join table4 w on s.id = w.slide_id " +
" left join tabl5 pw on pw.well_id = w.id " +
" left join tabl6 cw on cw.well_id = w.id " +
" left join tabl7 wsr on wsr.patient_well_sample_id = pw.id or wsr.control_sample_id = cw.id " +
" left join (select * from *** (other subselect)) wa on wa.well_sample_id = wsr.**id or wa.well_sample_id = wsr.**id " +
"where tb.state = 'STATENEEDED'";
public ArchiveDataListDTO getArchiveData(){
Query query = em.createNativeQuery(queryStr);
ArchiveDataListDTO archiveDataListDTO = new ArchiveDataListDTO();
List<Object[]> resultL = (List<Object[]>)query.getResultList();
for( Object[] o : resultL){
new ArchiveDataDTO((String)o[0], String.valueOf(o[1]), (String) o[2], (String) o[3], (String) o[4], (String) o[5],
(String) o[6], (String) o[7], (String) o[8], (String) o[9], (String) o[10]));
return archiveDataListDTO;
note I struggled some with the code cause I wanted to apply @sqlresultsetmapping to avoid manual results mapping but it just didn´t work, most of the examples out there are when you have an entity in the DB but in this case I retrieve from many tables.**
Thanks so much
I ended up creating the query on the fly; depending on the filters I get from UI i assemble the query with Java and send it to DB, it´s easier since this required many tables…