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Tag: xsd

Create XML from SQL select query

I am trying to create a xml from a SQL select, but I can not insert “:” (like cac:PartyTaxScheme), neither can put 2 data in one element, look element “cbc:CompanyID” (<cbc:CompanyID schemeName=”31″ schemeID=”0″ schemeAgencyID=”195″>900711000</cbc:CompanyID> ), how can I do it ? Next is the example I want to expect: Thanks a lot Answer Using Xml Linq :

How do I fix ORA-01843: not a valid month?

So at the query level, I have it: And I’ve tried looking at a few articles with one most notable: How to change the date format in Oracle BI Publisher? I have also tried using: While going through structure and XML I noticed my date is in string format: element name=”DATETIME” value=”DATETIME” label=”DATETIME” dataType=”xsd:string” breakOrder=”ascending” fieldOrder=”3″ So I removed the

XML Schema totalDigits/fractionDigits vs. SQL precision/scale

I’d like to find out the correspondence between XML Schema totalDigits/fractionDigits and SQL numeric precision/scale. 1) Assume we have the following simple type: How would I represent it in SQL? Let’s assume HSQL dialect (it does not matter much). I’m interested in the most restrictive SQL type which could hold all the values from the value space of the XML
