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Tag: where-clause

What does INTERVAL ‘182’ DAY(3) mean in SQL / Oracle?

Trying to understand INTERVAL and DAY(3) usage in SQL, as I’ve come across it and need to understand what it means. It’s in a WHERE clause, seen below WHERE POSTING_DATE > CURRENT_DATE – INTERVAL ‘182’ DAY(3) Help needed, thanks! Answer From the documentation: INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND stores a period of time in terms of days, hours, minutes, and seconds.

What is wrong with the WHERE clause in this SQL query?

I fixed the syntax errors and it still won’t run. I keep getting the following error: unknown column ‘’ in ‘where clause’ Note that there is a column ‘id’ in the table ‘tblProduct’ Answer MySql does not support full joins, the error does not describe the problem. One workaround for full joins in MySql would be to union two queries

SQL CASE that matches value or uses LIKE ‘%’

I’m trying to do a wildcard retrieve if a defined variable is blank. But I can’t figure out the correct syntax. Answer It is as simple as this: The expression NULLIF(x, ”) will convert ” to null. Then we take advantage of how null comparison works: If @customerID is not null then first condition will be true only for exact

Why doesn’t the WHERE work in this sql query

I’m writing a SQL query that needs to only show the results where the ‘titel’ is the same as ‘Baklava’, but it doesn’t return any rows. When I try to use the query without the WHERE, is shows all the results, but I need the WHERE clause to work. Here is the query I’m trying to use: import.sql: Answer You

SQL Insert into with join and where

I have three tables. For example: newTable: oldTable: associativeTable: What I want to do now is: I want to move the name column from oldTable to newTable. I have already altered newTable and added an empty name column. Now I’m trying to write a correct INSERT INTO statement. What I have so far is: I’m a bit lost on it.

MySQL table update after multi field check

Hi I have two table one like this one: table1 and one like this: table2 I would like to update all the fields on the table2 column “newID” based on this rules: if (table2.ID = table1.ID_actual or table2.ID=table1.ID_old) then table2.newID = table1.newID How can I resolve this problem ? Answer You need a join of the 2 tables in the
