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Tag: visual-studio

Execute query and populate the same in datagrid Box

I have a winform app connected to access database as data source , but in access i was using this below SQL to generate a query table called trend: But i do not know how execute this & populate the same in datagrid box on form load event(dataset:CSCdataset) , please help me. Answer I guess you can find more information

SQL query to display data in gridview

I have a grid view that displays data from a SQL Server database during page load. My gridview contains these columns: I have used a query: which will display data from SQL Server in the gridview when ReturnedOn column doesn’t have any data. The new query has to satisfy these conditions, It Should not displays a record when Assetype=”Laptop” or

Drag and Drop not working with external monitor [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post. Closed 2 years ago. Improve this question I’m working on a small project for my studies. It’s the first contact with SQL in Visual Studio 2019 Community

C# win forms app hangs

The following code is for reading from an Access DB and transferring to a SQL DB. Can anyone tell me why this code just hangs after it is run ? I have a label that should change telling me the row that is being processed but the Form just sits and becomes unresponsive once I have clicked the button. Everything
