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SQL Query to Show When Golfer Not Attached to an Event/Year

I am working on a school assignment that has downright stumped me for days. The task is to, using a view (VAvailableGolfers), populate a list box with Golfers who are not tied to a given event/year selected from a combo box. Here is the data in the tables: The expected output on the form, then, would be: 2015 shows Goldstein

Cannot execute SQL query

I have the following code to execute a SQL query in : opdragaliaens.CommandText = “UPDATE UBH ” & “SET ton = wh.total_net ” & …

Arabic Text Shows Encoded

I have a problem that file encoding was windows-1256 and it shows strange text when using ie11 and arabic text, so i changed the file encoding to utf-8 and it works fine but i need to convert back the …

SQL Server : delete user

I’m trying to write a query to delete a user registration from my SQL Server database, but when I try to delete a user, I get this error: System.InvalidOperationException: ‘ExecuteReader: …
