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Tag: tsql

add bool column within existing table

I am trying to dd a column, to a database with the program Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. I already have a database, with a table, in that table i need to add another column.. but it keeps saying it cannot find type bool or boolean. my code : Any ideas ? side question, any idea how to alter an

SQL – Remove all HTML tags in a string

In my dataset, I have a field which stores text marked up with HTML. The general format is as follows: <html><head></head><body><p>My text.</p></body></html> I could attempt to solve the problem by doing the following: However, this is not a strict rule as some of entries break W3C Standards and do not include <head> tags for example. Even worse, there could be

LAG functions and NULLS

How can I tell the LAG function to get the last “not null” value? For example, see my table bellow where I have a few NULL values on column B and C. I’d like to fill the nulls with the last non-null value. I tried to do that by using the LAG function, like so: but that doesn’t quite work

Invalid Column Name using Dynamic SQL

I am attempting to use Dynamic SQL for the 1st time – Now i understand the gist of it to an extent however attempting to enter a parameter into a temp table using Dynamic SQL i am getting the “Invalid Column name” when i am simply try to enter this as text not intending to be a column. On a
