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Tag: tsql

Generate class from database table

How can I generate a class from a SQL Server table object? I’m not talking about using some ORM. I just need to create the entities (simple class). Something like: Given some table like: Answer Set @TableName to the name of your table.


I have a query to find certain customers from a table. There is an index on customerid, so the DB scans all rows with customerid = 22. Since the result is processed by checking whether the count returns zero or more than zero, how can I optimize the query? I.e. such that at the first customer row with amount <>

SQL Server VARBINARY(max) to c# byte[]

I am querying the table (one of the columns is a VARBINARY(MAX)) which returns some records. Then I save that as .dat.csv then I parse through that .dat file and get that varbinary value into a string by splitting the file based on commas. Now I need to convert this varbinary to byte array. How can I do that? Answer

T-SQL Conditional WHERE Clause

Found a couple of similar questions here on this, but couldn’t figure out how to apply to my scenario. My function has a parameter called @IncludeBelow. Values are 0 or 1 (BIT). I have this query: If @IncludeBelow is 0, i need the query to be this: If @IncludeBelow is 1, that last line needs to be excluded. (i.e don’t
