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Tag: timestamp

Want to convert timestamp to date format in hive

want to convert this number ‘20210412070422’ to date format ‘2021-04-12’ in hive I am trying but this returns null value from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(eap_as_of_dt, ‘MM/dd/yyyy’)) Answer The best methoid is to do without unix_timestamp/from_unixtime if possible and in your case it is possible. date() can be removed, string in yyyy-MM-dd format is compatible with date type: Result: Another efficient method using regexp_replace: If

Set minutes of timestamp to a specific value

What is the easiest way to set the exact minutes value of a timestamp? This only adds minutes instead of setting the exact value: Answer Use date_trunc() before you add 2 minutes: Or, to retain seconds and sub-seconds: Demo: Should be substantially faster than manipulating the text representation and casting back.

insert extra rows in query result sql

Given a table with entries at irregular time stamps, “breaks” must be inserted at regular 5 min intervals ( the data associated can / will be NULL ). I was thinking of getting the start time, making a subquery that has a window function and adds 5 min intervals to the start time – but I only could think of

Hive SQL cast string as timestamp without losing the milliseconds

I have string data in the form 2020-10-21 12:49:27.090 I want to cast it as a timestamp. When I do this: select cast(column_name as timestamp) as column_name from table_name all of the milliseconds are dropped, like this: 2020-10-21 12:49:27 I also tried this: select cast(date_format(column_name,’yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS’) as timestamp) as column_name from table_name and the same problem persists, it drops the

SQL timestamp filtering based only on time

I want to create a query in Oracle SQL that will grab records from a given time interval, during certain hours of the day, e.g. records between 10am to noon, in the past 10 days. I tried this, but it does not work: where timestamp is of type TIMESTAMP. I have also thought of using a join, but I am
