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Tag: sum

how to sum two columns from different tables MySQL

I need to sum the data from two different columns located in different tables and grouped by session_id….. I need to sum the column of spent_points + price_points grouped by session_id this is the result i hope to get I have tried with this query but I have only managed to group the data but I have not been able

query to get customer list using JOIN with sum () of the amounts spent in orders

I have the following tables table anag (customer registry) table levels (table that connects each customer to his salesperson. For database registration reasons, the link between customer and seller is given by the customer’s telephone number) table orders (contains all purchases made by customers, of course) What I’m trying to do is get from the JOIN of these tables a

Best way to merge two SQL queries into one query

I have two small SQL queries that I would like to merge to be a single query that I will eventually use in a stored procedure. I have tried a CASE and IF/ELSE but could not get it to work. Below is the code. What I want to achieve is have the first column ‘Count of Open Order Lines’ based

Apply SUM( where date between date1 and date2)

My table is currently looking like this: I’m trying to sum values of ‘ON_Prepaid’ over the course of 7 days, let’s say from ‘2020-01-01’ to ‘2020-01-07’. Here is what I’ve tried Things should be fine if the dates are continuous; however, there are some missing days in ‘Pre_Date’ (you know banks don’t work on Sundays, etc.). So I’m trying to


Good day, How can I do like sumifs in sql query in here is my code. The plan is to take the Sum of column prdInput based on the helper which is txtlot txtPartnumber and txprocess. I managed to get display the first prdinput the query found but I need the the sum of its since I have multiple

MySQL get the SUM of different currencies

In a MySQL database To get the SUM of a column I just do: Is it possible in only one SQL request to get the SUM of orderamount_total of the different curriences defined in the column currency? Answer You just need a group by
