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Tag: sqlite

SQLite Incomplete Time String

I have a table with incomplete time strings, such as ‘0:09.735’ (minutes:seconds.milliseconds). As the function strftime expects certain formats, such as ‘%H:%M:%f’, I have “to complete” the incomplete timestring first. The first strftime function with the complete timestring shows the correct result, the second, third, and fourth one with the incomplete timestring do not. Is there a flexible way that

python list in tuple compare

I have a list and a tuple ( from sqlite query) and what to check if the items in list are not in the db tuple. If not add to newJobs list links = [“”, “”] …

Conditional removing duplicate records

I’m storing some realtime data in SQLite. Now, I want to remove duplicate records to reduce data and enlarge its timeframe to 20 seconds by SQL commands. Sample data: id t col1 col2 –…
