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Tag: sqlalchemy

Postgres not returning data on array_agg query as below

The problem arise when there are no data for books in specific library. Consider a following working scenario. Table name: library Table name: books Now when I do query like below: The query generates output for library 1 & 2, but not for library 3. Why and how to solve this issue? (Generate an empty list on no library books)

SQL Update statement: OperationalError near “FROM”

Replacing box = with = shifts the error to the ‘.’: Error: Answer Actual implementation may not be fully adhered even with latest SQLite to support UPDATE-FROM. Specifically, docs do not indicate: JOIN in outer query is supported in UPDATE. FROM table should not repeat table in UPDATE. Table alias alone in UPDATE may not be allowed. Possibly no

SQL apply where clause to an arbitrary query results

I’m working on a system where the user introduces an SQL server/db connection and a valid SQL query, which I save on my system. I’m using python+sqlalchemy+pandas to accomplish this. That query will return a table like this one, in which the only rule is that the query result must have a timestamp as DateTime field and at least another
