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Tag: sql

How to select from an expression in SQL?

I’m really new to SQL and quite struggling with this. I have 2 tables MATERIAL (CODE, NAME, BUYPRICE) BILL (CODE, DETAIL, AMOUNT) I want to return a new temporary column TOTALMONEYTOPAID which is BUYPRICE * AMOUNT. Query: This obviously doesn’t work. I searched around for something like declare @variable but I don’t know how to use it. Many thanks with

Azure Stream Analytics Job delayed output of not matching records by 1 minutes between two event hubs

Could anyone help me, why the not matching records are delayed by exactly 1 minutes but the matching records are writing into blog storage container immediately. Is there any way to avoid the delay even though eventA its not matching with other eventB (being my downstream system will take care in my use-case) Below is the output but look at
