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Tag: sql

How to copy column from one table into another table in SQL Server

I want to copy column state_name from table state into table district. here is my query. This code is working on mysql but not in SQL Server This is the state table This is the district table Answer In SQL Server, the corresponding syntax might be: This is more commonly written using an explicit JOIN: However, you probably shouldn’t be

MYSQL moving data after distinct

I have data I am pulling from one table to another table but I have a Primary key on the ID column. how do I pull the rest of the data after a Select distinct to make sure I don’t have duplicates in the primary? where I have gotten the distinct store_id from it and inserted into the table but

Why `not deferrable` constraint is deferred when using `with`?

When this script is run in PostgreSQL, why does Statement 1 and 2 work and only statement 3 gives an error even when both the foreign key constraint are explicitly not deferrable? Answer According to the docs non-deferrable unique constraints are checked for each row, contrary to the standards specification that they are checked only at the end of a

SQL to find records with last 3 same status

I have the following tasks table: I need to run a query that returns only the types which their last 3 tasks finished with status “FAILED”. How can I do this? Should I use a window function? Thanks Answer You can use aggregation and filtering after using row_number() to get the last three rows: Actually, a slightly simpler method is:
