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Is there a way to achieve below using pivot or something else in T-SQL?

I’m trying to achieve below using pivot in T-SQL:

brand a revenue brand b revenue` brand c revenue
branch 1 20,000 branch 6 9000 branch 9 11000
branch 3 15000 branch 5 2000 branch 6 8000
branch 9 10000 branch 10 1500 branch 4 5000

However I’m getting this result:

brand a brand b brand c branch
20000 null null branch 1
15000 null null branch 3
10000 null 11000 branch 9
null 9000 8000 branch 6
null 2000 null branch 5
null 1500 null branch 10

I’ve used this query

    brand a, 
    brand b,
    brand c,
         (--data from sales table
              branch, sum(revenue) Revenue, p.brand, 
              Row_number() over (partition by (p.brand) order by sum(revenue) desc) [rank] 
          from sales s
          join Product p on s.prodid = p.prodid
          join branch b on s.Branch = b.branch
          where p.brand in ('brand a', ' brand b', ' brand c')
            and time between @startdate and @enddate
          group by branch, p.brand) r
         r.rank <= 3) p1
         for brand in (`brand a`, `brand b`, `brand c`)
    ) piv



Just use conditional aggregation:

select max(case when brand = 'brand a' then branch end) as branch_a,
       sum(case when brand = 'brand a' then revenue end) as revenue_a,
       max(case when brand = 'brand b' then branch end) as branch_b,
       sum(case when brand = 'brand b' then revenue end) as revenue_b,
       max(case when brand = 'brand c' then branch end) as branch_c,
       sum(case when brand = 'brand c' then revenue end) as revenue_c
from (select b.branch, sum(revenue) as Revenue, p.brand, 
             row_number() over (partition by p.brand order by 
      sum(revenue) desc) as seqnum
      from sales s join
           Product p
           on s.prodid = p.prodid join
           branch b
           on s.Branch = b.branch
      where p.brand in ('brand a',' brand b',' brand c') and
            time between @startdate and @enddate
      group by branch, p.brand
     ) pb
group by seqnum;
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