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Tag: sql-limit

Skip rows in an unsorted list

I have an Angular app which displays a list and a Scala API which provides data. I encountered a problem (and the languages don’t matter, is just about logic). The problem is that the table from which I get data doesn’t have a primary key. Because I need to display the data plain in a widget (of type table) without

SQL select single row number x only

For processing SQL data in VBA I want to use a loop (For…Next) that reads line by line from a SQL database. As records were deleted the ID column has gaps. The table looks for example like this: Having four lines I would like to run of course a “For each” would do good, too. Answer If you want 4

Query with offset returns overlapping data sets

Initial attempts at getting a very simple pagination, using fetch n rows and then a subsequent call with offset, gives overlapping entries in Oracle. I was expecting the following to give me two unique sets of results. 1-100 and then 101-200 of the results that would have been returned if the first line had been set with a limit of

Select from row to last row

Is it possible for me with MySQL to select the from a specific row to the end of the table, without knowing how many rows there are left? My query at the moment is: But I want to be able to something like: Can this be done? Answer Just use a large value like 999999999 that is going to be
