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Tag: sql-insert

ORA-02290: check constraint violated

I keep getting the message “ORA-02290: check constraint violated” whenever I try to insert values into my table. Here’s the code for the table STORE: And here’s the INSERT statements I am trying to accomplish: It has created the 4th, 6th, and 7th values, but not the rest. What is going wrong? Answer You are violating the CHECK constraint as

INSERT INTO a table comparing two other tables using Not EXISTS

I have 3 tables: Server_db_relation DatabaseList DatabaseList_Archive The goal is to compare table Server_db_relation and DatabaseList based on the values in column ServerName and DatabaseName. If the values do not exists in the table Server_db_relation, but do exist in DatabaseList, then it should insert the entire row from DatabaseList into DataList_Archive (those two tables are identical in structure). In addition,

How do I add 1 to a column value on an insert into statement in a stored procedure?

I have a table that is updated every hour (RPT.SummaryAggregates). I need to create a stored procedure that fills a table (RPT.WeeklyAggregates) with a snapshot of the total records in (RPT.SummaryAggregates) once a week (this SP will be setup with a SQL Agent Job). I need the Week column of (RPT.WeeklyAggregates) to automatically increase by 1 incrementally every time the


I’m currently trying to add 3 rows in to 1 row so that the information is separated by a ‘,’like using a concatenation. However, I’m new to this and any help will be useful. Below is my current code and what I have tried. This code below does not work: I have also tried this code below, which inserted the

Update row if exists or insert

I’m working on a web based PHP form that’s currently connect to an Oracle database. I’m trying to get the functionality working so that after a user submits the form it’ll check if a row exists based on the Job Number, if it does then update, otherwise insert the values. It’s bring back an internal server error at the moment

inserting into table with conditions

SQL. i have two tables residents (primary key rid) and dependents (primary key did). dependents is connected to residents through rid. I want to insert rows into dependents table only if the rid in the insert statement matches with any of the rid in the residents table. i tried the code below, but there is some error with the where

How do I update if exist, else insert in MySQL

I have table with AUTO_INCREMENT field defined as PRIMARY_KEY. I have columns like: vote_id,vote_user_id,vote_ask_id,vote_comment_id,vote_post_id,vote_type,vote_status I want to INSERT new records but before I do that I want to check if there is a row with columns(vote_user_id,vote_ask_id,vote_type) as same as the new data I want INSERT. I have searched the internet and learnt about MySQL ..ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE. I have
