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Tag: snowflake-cloud-data-platform

Snowflake SQL – Format Phone Number to 9 digits

I have a column with phone numbers in varchar, currently looks something like this. Because there is no consistent format, I don’t think substring works. (956) 444-3399 964-293-4321 (929)293-1234 (919)2991234 How do I remove all brackets, spaces and dashes and have the query return just the digits, in Snowflake? The desired output: 9564443399 9642934321 9292931234 9192991234 Answer You can use

Variable in dateadd function snowflake

I have a query like this: It gives this error: Single row subquery returns more than one row. Is there a way to pass a variable in the 3rd argument of dateadd function? Because my cte will return many min_date based on the group by clause. TIA Answer Yes, sub-select in SELECT need to only return one row, you have

Unable to find error in the query – Snowflake

Error: SQL compilation error: error line 105 at position 8 invalid identifier ‘INTENT’. There are two CTE’s, and then the select statement. First CTE works fine if run separately, the error is in the second CTE. I am not sure what is causing the syntax error. Thanks in advance. Answer Snowflake treats unquoted identifiers as if they were uppercase. While

Create table in snowflake – Syntax

I am trying to create a table and insert rows into it. But it keeps giving me this syntax error. ERROR : SQL compilation error: syntax error line 3 at position 1 unexpected ‘EventName’. syntax Any help would be appreciated. Answer You need to type those columns, and you are missing a comma after the int of EnventTypeID and your

Invalid group by expression error when using any_value with max and window function in Snowflake

I was given a query and I am attempting to modify it in order to get the most recent version of each COMP_ID. The original query: I then attempted to use a window function to grab only the highest version for each comp_id. This is the modified query: When attempting to compile the below error is given: SQL compilation error:
