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Tag: regex

Use of Regex in SQL query

create table numbers (number varchar(10)); insert into numbers (number) values (‘9999999999’), (‘5532003644’), (‘1212121205’), (‘1103220311’), …

oracle: remove only blank lines

How to remove empty lines in sql or plsql Input select ‘test1 test2 test3 test4’ from dual; Expected output: test1 test2 test3 test4 TRANSLATE is removing all the new line character

SQL similar to regex, equivalents for start ^ and end $ of line

I want to use a regex like (^|s)1001(s|$) in a Firebird similar to expression: Examples: abc 1001 abc – true abc 121001 abc – false 1001 abc – true 121001 – false abc 1001 – true I try’d to convert it to a regex in Firebird: Where COLUMN similar to (^|[:WHITESPACE:])abc 1001 abc($|[:WHITESPACE:]), but ^ (start of line) and $

oracle get all matched occurrences from a column

I have a table, which has 2 columns: ID & JOB_Description(Text). I would like to write an oracle SQL to extract all substrings in the Description column which match a regular pattern. However, I have learnt how to extract matched substrings from a string with below SQL, but I have no idea to apply below SQL on all data in
