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Tag: regex

Fetch Substring in Oracle

I have a string as – V_TAG_B = utm_source=google_search&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term={Keyword}&utm_campaign=home-|-SBI-|-search I need to break this string into 4 small parts as – I need to do this because the string can be in any order such as utm_campaign coming first and utm_source is coming at last. So after breaking it into pieces i will concat it again and will match with

select starting digitals followed by first word in mysql

I have lots of addresses in my database. example: 1199 State Route 218 I want to select the starting digitals followed by first word and ignore the rest of the address. so i want to retrieve address just by calling this: 1199 State thanks for you help Answer If you are running MySQL 8.0, you can use regexp_substr(): Regexp breakdown:

SQL – get specific text from string

I have column with this strings: I need to get from the string ONLY the contact_type__* part (appears only once in each row) Any suggestions? Answer You could use regexp function regexp_extract(), like: This will match on string ‘contact_type__ followed by a sequence of letters, numbers, or underscore (which are commonly defined as word characters).

Regexp_replace to replace specific value

I have data in a column at different position which i want to replace using regexp_replace(). Column value : Business solution, management services, credit Management services, business solution, credit I want to replace business solution with business solutions in a column nothing else I want to change.. Please guide Answer Does this help?
