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Tag: python

Transforming SQL Query to Django Expression

Assuming I have the following Django models and the according SQL-Tables with some data. I have simplified the models so that it is clearer. UserAnswer: id answer partquestion_id 1 667 1 PartQuestion: id question_id part_id 1 1 1 Solution: id content question_id 1 667 1 2 85 2 I want to get all User answers where the answer is equal

Getting a syntax error when trying to execute this SQL query in Python

I’m trying to get the script to automatically set the query start time as 6am yesterday (and will set the end time as 6am today once I figure out the Start time error) but I am getting a syntax error (102, b”Incorrect syntax near ’06’.DB-Lib error message 20018, severity 15:nGeneral SQL Server error: Check messages from the SQL Servern”). If

SQLAlchemy group by day in timestamp column

I have an ORM (Model) defined in SQLAlchemy as below: I’m planning to get the sum of all views in each day and tried to group the results based on their end_to. I have used the following query in sqlalchemy: But this query throws this error: I am using the timestamp in my model and I don’t plan to change

update with csv file using python

I have to update the database with the CSV files. Consider the database table looks like this: The CSV file data looks like this: As you can see the CSV file data some data modified and some new records are added and what I supposed to do is to update only the data which is modified or some new records

JSON Blob into SQL Server

I have data from a web API that I want to store in a SQL database. Each record in the web API looks like this: Answer That query is invalid. Should be of the form INSERT INTO TableName(Column1, Column2) VALUES (?,?), so something like:

How to combine columns, group them then get a total count?

Below is a table that has candidate_id, two interviews they attended with the interviewer’s name, and results for each interview. candidate_id interview_1 interview_2 result_1 result_2 1 Interviewer_A Interviewer_B Pass Pass 2 Interviewer_C Interviewer_D Pass Reject I need help to combine column interview_1 and interview_2 into one column, and count how many pass and reject each interviewer gave to the candidate,

Querying JSON in POSTGRESQL returns NONE everytime

jsonb column text_results contains values in the following form : {‘Name’ : ‘john doe’ , ‘id’ : ‘123’} On querying Select text_results->>’Name’ as Name from user_master or Select json_extract_path_text(text_results::json,’Name’) as name from user_master it always return None without any error even though values are present. Need help with rectifying the error or any other way of extracting values from json

How to format SQL Queries inside PySpark codefile

I would like to format my existing SQL queries inside the PySpark file. This is how my existing source file looks like: And this is how I wanted it to look like: I have already tried using black and other vscode extensions for formatting my code base but no luck since the SQL code is being treated as a python
