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Tag: odbc

ODBC – Exclude weekends in SQL

I currently have this SELECT statement which allows me to get yesterday’s date: However, when the day is Monday, I need the result to return a value date for Friday and not Sunday. When the day is Tuesday to Friday, it would be the SELECT Statement mentioned above. What would be the right code line to add in order to

Data type for SQL aggregate functions (COUNT, SUM, AVG)

New to SQL. Say I run this query: This will return a single row with a field called “TotalSuppliers”. In my database, the result was “778”. When tested in C# using typeof, the type for this field was short (the ODBC SMALLINT or OleDB SmallInt data type). This matched the data type of the SupplierID column. Do I have control

NetSuite ODBC Limitations

I’m trying to find out if anyone is aware of any list of the limitations of NetSuite’s ODBC SuiteAnalytics Connect Service being used through OpenQuery? I’ve been running into many problems with some of my more complex queries failing for no apparent reason, and I finally started narrowing it down to some sort of strange limitations that I wasn’t expecting
